A lack of a proper EMS system may result in a delay in care and transport to a hospital. This may result in worse patient outcomes. Many barriers often exist to implement an efficient EMS system. AmbulanceGPS.com provides direct communication between the Dispatcher and Responder (Ambulance). Using Google Maps, ambulances can be tracked in real-time. Ambulances can be guided to precise patient locations and transported to appropriate hospitals. AmbulanceGPS.com aims to provide users with an efficient, cost-effective tracking system.
AmbulanceGPS.com was initiated by a team of Emergency Physicians exposed to a lack of access to EMS care in the developing world. Based in Honolulu, Hawaii, the team has focused on improving emergency access in Nepal at an affordable cost. AmbulanceGPS.com is a non-for-profit service with the goal of improving emergency care. Please Contact Us if you are interested.
Please contact us if you are interested in bringing an ambulance tracking system to your community or if you have questions about AmbulanceGPS.com.